The SDM3045X is a 4½ digit digital (66,000 count) multimeter incorporating a dual-display and is especially well suited for the needs of high-precision, multifunction and automatic measurement.
SDM3045X Series
Reading resolution: 4 ½
DC Voltage: 600mV – 1000V
AC Voltage: 600mV – 750V
DC Current: 600µA – 10A
AC Current: 60mA – 10AMain Features:
- Real 4½ digit (66,000 count) readings resolution
- Up to 150 rdgs/s measurement speed
- True-RMS AC Voltage and AC Current measuring
- 1 Gb NAND flash size, Mass storage configuration files and data files
- Built-in cold terminal compensation for thermocouple
- With easy, convenient and flexible PC software: EasyDDM
Dimension: 293.75 mm×260.27 mm×107.21 mm
Weight: 3.76 kg